Explore Italy and its regions - Esplora l’Italia e le sue regioni
- Sold By: Long Bridge Publishing
- Product Sku:
- Categories Books and eBooks, Italian and English, Non Fiction and Textbooks
- Type: Paperback
- An overview of Italy written in simple language, and a brief introduction to each region. It includes maps and illustrations to help readers locate places and understand words and concepts, and simple games designed to entertain and spur curiosity.
- A reading section intended for more advanced students who wish to read and learn more about Italy and discover additional facts about its 20 regions.
- A workbook with reproducible games, language activities, and tests, designed as a tool for teachers, care providers, and parents who wish to reinforce the concepts introduced in the previous sections and to evaluate the level of comprehension of the students.
Answer keys are included at the end.
The entire book has each section written in both Italian and English. The two languages are always displayed on two pages facing each other, so that the use of a dictionary is not necessary.
Paperback, 268 pages, $29.95
Each pdf file includes 10 pages written both in Italian and in English, with a beginner reading section and a more advanced section. It covers one Italian region and it includes:
· a description of the region,
· facts and interesting features
· a map and
· language activities with questions and answers to test your language comprehension.
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